Business CW edition 3- 2024 what's new and upcoming events | Page 8

Issue 3 / Business CW 8


* RVO Webinar: Find out how SIB helps you doing business abroad April 16, 2024

* Doing Business with Colombia Webinar April 17, 2024

* Incoming mission Trinidad & Tobago May 7-10, 2024

* Chamber webinars- April/ May, 2024


* CREATEX 2024 - Colombia- Textile Industry- Bogotá 7-9 May, 2024

* ICC Americas Meeting - Bogotá 8-10 May, 2024

* 4th International Conference on SIDS - Antigua & Barbuda 23-27 May, 2024

* 46th Congress of Central American and Caribbean Ports - Costa Rica September 23-27, 2024

What's new?

* Curaçao engages with business partners during ITB Berlin in March, 2024

* Curaçao Chamber organizes entrepreneurship session on Cybersecurity March 21, 2024

* CURAÇAO continues positive trend in tourism with 60,235 arrivals in February 2024

* Curaçao Chamber holds sessions on MEVAL review in English on March 5 & 26, 2024

* Curaçao Chamber organizes BPO Conference on March 14, 2024

* Curaçao Chamber attends "Lets Collaborate" entrepreneurship session #3 on March 2024

Upcoming Events